The SM2030 Project is a longitudinal study of early career stage managers. Every year hundreds of new stage managers graduate from college and enter the workforce. What happens to them? SM2030 was designed to start in February 2020 and interview the same group of American stage managers over a ten year period. But no one could predict what happened to the world in March 2020, so the study is also examining the impact of the pandemic on the careers of these volunteers.
Year Four (2024) Report
Year Two (2022) Report
Year One (2021) Report
Year Zero (2020) Report
The Year Zero Report of the SM2030 Project also included video interviews of some of the participants.
Year Four (2024) Report
Year Two (2022) Report
Year One (2021) Report
Year Zero (2020) Report
The Year Zero Report of the SM2030 Project also included video interviews of some of the participants.
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